Abundantly nutritious superfoods

What are microgreens?

Microgreens are an early stage of a plant's development, older than sprouts but younger than baby greens. They are harvested within a couple of weeks of germination to be utilized at their most nutritious and delicious state.


These 'living foods' are packed with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, and have up to 40x higher concentrations of nutrients and antioxidants than their mature versions! Effortlessly enhance your health with these mighty greens.


Plant-based or keto, carnivore or sweet tooth, and everything in between, microgreens are compatible with all diet types and all ages! They have a broad flavor spectrum, from spicy to sweet, and are a delicious addition to nearly any dish. They are an easy way to get all of your daily nutrition -  nature's cheat code to healthy eating!

local garden fresh

Our homegrown, farm-to-table operation ensures you can enjoy your microgreens at peak freshness, within 24 hours of harvest, all while reducing the emissions it takes to get from our garden to your plate. They can live happily and ready to eat in your fridge for up to 2 weeks. Fresher than you'll find in the supermarkets!


By using less land through vertical farming, less water, and no pesticides or fertilizers, growing microgreens is a more earth friendly option as compared to conventional agricultural practices. They may even be grown in space! 🚀


Our procedures include reusing our growing trays, composting our spent medium, utilizing 100% compostable packaging, and purchasing the finest organic seeds on the market. We cultivate life in fully automated grow tents, enabling us to maintain precise temperature, humidity, light, and water levels around the clock.

 - Meet our greens -





Ready to give these greens a try?